Since Covid-19 is highly contagious and mutates quickly, it is impossible to completely eliminate the virus in a short time. Covid-19 may become a virus like AIDS. Human beings may not be able to completely overcome it and must learn to get along with it. Therefore, after the peak of the epidemic, we should gradually restart social and economic life. Otherwise, if the Covid-19 Shutdown lasts for a long time, it will cause great harm to the overall economy as well as individual psychology.

China’s practice shows that although reopening may lead to an increase in confirmed cases in certain areas, amid strict control measures, the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is unlikely to occur. So far, more than 75% of the students across China have returned to school according to the Ministry of Education.[1] On July 7th, a total of 10.71 million Chinese students took the annual national college entrance examination, which is the largest organized collective activity since the epidemic outbreak. How did China solve these problems? How to manage the reopening of schools in China? I have listed some of China’s practices below, which might be useful to Italian friends.

According to the Ministry of Education[2], the reopening of schools is not unconditional. The following preparations are required.

(1) Only schools in the low risk areas are allowed to reopen, those in the medium and high risk areas should wait until the epidemic is under control.

(2) The reopening should be carried out step by step: first primary and secondary schools, then universities; first graduates, then non-graduates.

(3) Before reopening, the school must ensure there is adequate protective equipment (disinfectants, medical masks, thermometers, gloves, tissues, etc.) for at least two weeks.

(4) Make sure all teachers and students returning to school have not developed symptoms of coronavirus in the past 14 days.

(5) Set up a special team to be responsible for epidemic prevention before, during, and after school.

(6) School should be closed again if a teacher, student, or parent is infected with Covid-19.

What precautions are required after reopening schools? The Ministry of Education has also issued guidelines and handbooks to provide Covid-19 prevention and control suggestions for universities, primary and secondary schools, and kindergartens. Here are some of the key suggestions.[3]

(1) Mask: Primary and secondary school students and teachers are not required to wear masks, and kindergarten children are not recommended to wear masks. University teachers and students are encouraged to wear masks in crowded public places. In classrooms, canteens, and other crowded places, everyone should keep a safe distance from others.

(2) Testing: Nucleic acid testing is encouraged but not required for teachers and students from low risk areas. However, for those from medium and high risk areas or with abnormal body temperature, testing is required. People who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and recovered must be isolated and observed for another 14 days before they can return to school.

(3) Temperature: Students are required to measure their body temperature at least 3 times a day. Detection of abnormal body temperatures and suspicious symptoms should be reported to health authorities immediately. In order to reduce the risk of infection, there are strict rules for entering and leaving the campus, and students are encouraged to reduce unnecessary travel.

(4) Meal: Students should eat in divided periods to avoid group gatherings. Take-away food is highly recommended. Pay attention to keeping a distance from others during meals, and wash hands carefully before and after meals.

(5) Central air conditioning and public showers: Central air conditioning can be used, but the room must be ventilated every 2 to 3 hours for about 20 to 30 minutes. Public showers should be ventilated, cleaned, and disinfected regularly, and the number of people who use the showers at the same time should be limited.

(6) Physical and mental health: The Covid-19 pandemic may have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of students. Schools should encourage students to engage in outdoor sports and personal sports, and ensure that students exercise at least one hour a day. Professional psychotherapy and counseling should also be provided to those in need.

Author: Lang Kun, Ph.D. Candidate from Tsinghua University in Beijing

[1] The Ministry of Education: 208 million students across the country have returned to school, Beijing News,, 2020-07-14.

[2] FAQ for reopening schools under normal epidemic prevention, Ministry of Education (China),, 2020-06-12.

[3] FAQ for reopening schools under normal epidemic prevention, Ministry of Education (China),, 2020-06-12.

原文详见:Riapertura delle scuole in Cina: le misure adottate(中国的复学实践),意大利百科全书研究院网站,2020-08-08