The 2022 Winter Olympics is approaching, and Beijing will become the first city in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. The Olympics’ opening ceremonies will kick off on February 4, and last for 16 days. During the Winter Games, there will be 91 countries and more than 2,800 athletes competing in 109 events in seven sports.

In Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the host cities of the Winter Olympics, the authorities have taken a series of measures to ensure the smooth running of the Games and control the COVID-19 outbreak. For example, implement closed-loop management for all staff and athletes, limit the number of spectators, etc. At the same time, 19,000 volunteers from across China have started their work at venues and airports to contribute to a safe and splendid Games. The majority of the volunteers are college students. During the Games, they will provide information and translation services, assist with disability accessibility and deal with emergencies, among other responsibilities.

In 2015, when bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics, China promised to involve 300 million people in ice and snow sports. To realize this vision, Chinese governments at all levels have issued policies to promote the participation of ice and snow sports. According to the General Administration of Sport of China, by the beginning of 2021, China had built 654 standard skating rinks and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts, an increase of 317 percent and 41 percent, respectively, from 2015. By October of 2021, about 346 million Chinese people have participated in winter sports activities accounting for 24.6 percent of China’s total population. With the popularization of ice and snow sports, consumer demand and investment opportunities in related fields are booming. Ice and snow sports have become an important driving force to promote economic growth, stimulate tourism, and increase employment. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of participants in ice and snow sports in China will exceed 500 million, and the total revenue will reach 1.1 trillion yuan ($157 billion).

“Together for a Shared Future” is the official motto of the 2022 Winter Olympics. According to the organizing committee, the slogan reflects the common aspirations of all countries in the world to join hands to build a bright future toward unity, peace, progress, and inclusiveness. This is China’s invitation and initiative to the world. The 2022 Winter Olympics come at an important moment to bring the world together, especially against the backdrop of recent deglobalization trends, global governance chaos, and the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks witnessed the Olympic Games’ ability to promote peace amongst the war-like city-states. When Pierre de Coubertin revived the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, the Olympic spirit of peace, solidarity, and unity remained. The 2022 Winter Olympics once again reminds us of the immutable significance of the Olympic spirit.

Author: Lang Kun, Ph.D. Candidate from Tsinghua University in Beijing

原文详见:Al via le Olimpiadi invernali 2022: “Insieme per un futuro condiviso”(2022北京冬奥会:一起向未来),意大利百科全书研究院网站,2022-02-04